
How to Use Twitter Effectively

How To Use Twitter Effectively

Twitter may be one of the easiest social media outlets on the Internet to use, but to use it effectively, you need to understand how the process works in a much different way. You need to know what it takes to write tweets that people want to read, that can be carried on to other twitterers and that can be used for the optimum marketing strategies. There are right ways to do things and wrong ways – the sooner you start discerning between the two, the sooner you will start succeeding with your twitter feeds. Click here to read more...

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Make Money Using Twitter

Make Money Using Twitter

The Internet is awash with tools that have made it easier than ever to streamline your business operations. More over though, it is bubbling with ideas and technologies that allow you to do things you’d never dreamed of before. No one would have thought that the next big frontier of business would be to create social networking profiles and publish free videos to YouTube. And yet here we are with more resources than ever being poured into online services like Facebook and MySpace to create awareness of products, befriend potential customers and integrate community into business plans.
It all makes sense if you think about it though. The creators of MySpace and Facebook have done something that no one else has ever done before – they got over 100 million people to gather together into a single space (whether virtual or not) and hand over their personal information for anyone else to search through. Businesses must have started shaking with glee when they realized the potential in that database. But, social networking isn’t the only tool out there that has redefined much of what users are doing on the Internet on a daily basis. There are other things too. Business owners and prospective entrepreneurs are focusing their attentions on blogging, bookmarking, crosslinking, and building followings via every possible avenue available to them. To be an Internet business owner in this day and age means you need to essentially have a degree in developing technologies and a desire to experiment with every one of them.
Yet, half of them seem to fizzle out or disappear faster than they ever burgeoned into our consciousness. For every Squidoo and Skype out there, you will find two dozen Meetros and RSSCalendars. And if you’re asking what a Meetro is, you’re not alone. But, every now and then a technology pops up that seems too simple, too useless, and too lackluster to actually be useful – but then it does something unthinkable.
Everyone knew sites like MySpace and Facebook were the real deal and people figured out pretty quickly why blogging would succeed. Sharing bookmarks on Digg and Delicious made sense and posting videos from around the world on YouTube was a no brainer. But, who would have guessed that a site like Twitter would take off? If you’re a betting man or woman, you probably wouldn’t have. But sure enough, when the Twitter app service launched in late 2006 and then went on to win SxSW’s coveted web software award in 2007, people started to take notice. A couple years later and Twitter has become one of the premier blogging software platforms on the net. The catch? You can only type 140 characters at a time.
I’m sure the cynic in you is wondering how anyone anywhere could make money with 140 characters. After all, blog posts are 300 - 500 words long, right? That’s over 2000 characters and even then, sometimes that’s not enough. But, something funny happens with Twitter – it becomes addictive. The simple little app that allows you to follow and track dozens if not hundreds of people has become immensely addictive. Not only are people excited to be able to track their friends and colleagues in seconds rather than minutes (some of those blog posts can take forever to read), but they’re happy to get involved. After all, who doesn’t have time to write out a few quick characters every couple hours? It is like text messaging and blogging had an attractive child and everyone is still oohing and aahing over just how cute the kid is. Everyone wants to hold the baby. And as Twitter grows into toddlerhood it opens up new doors through which you can start interacting with it – playing games as it were. These games however are much more than tossing a ball around – you’re going to start making money. This book has been written to provide you with the insight you need to start understanding where Twitter came from, why so many people are so addicted to it, and why just maybe you can revolutionize the way you do business on the Internet with it. If you’re still wondering right now how any of this could be possible, bear with me because the next six chapters are going to break it down in a way that will help anyone figure out the juggernaut that Twitter has become. Whether you’re a blogging dynamo or a technology shut - in, Twitter is so easy to use that you need to have it in your online toolbelt. Forget all those technologies that might be the next big thing – Twitter is the next big thing and it is here, ready for you to use. Best of luck to you on your endeavors and here’s hoping I see you on Twitter. Click here to read more...

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