
Malay Ebooks

  • Kuasa Viral Facebook
    Kuasa Viral Facebook ini juga adalah bagaimana kita ingin memasarakan APA JUA yang kita mahu di dalam Facebook tetapi TANPA KOS. Kalau ada pun, hanya kos hosting sahaja. Kenapa ianya PERCUMA dan TANPA KOS? Ini adalah kerana Facebook merupakan laman sosial yang begitu menarik sekali. Oleh sebab mereka ingin mengekalkan pengunjung dan pengguna laman sosial mereka, mereka telah cipta ruang untuk Developer, iaitu pembangun-pembangun software, javascripts dan applikasi untuk mencipta applikasi yang boleh menyeronokkan pengunjung dan pengguna laman sosial mereka.
    Developers tidak akan dikenakan sebarang caj jika mereka menghasilkan sebarang applikasi di dalam Facebook walaupun mereka boleh mendapat keuntungan daripada itu. Bagaimana kita mahu memasarkan produk kita? Senang saja, kita hanya perlu memasukkan kod-kod yang tertentu di dalam applikasi yang akan kita bina nanti. Jadi para pengguna Facebook yang menggunakan applikasi kita akan ternampak iklan kita. Jadi ini boleh dikatakan seperti “Menyelam sambil minum air”. Di dalam Kuasa Viral Facebook ini anda akan ajarkan bagaimana untuk menghasilkan applikasi untuk Facebook dengan cara yang paling mudah sekali....download di sini.

  • Bagaimana Untuk Buat Duit Dengan Myspace & Friendster
    Jika sebelum ni anda sering menggunakan kod gambar dari laman web seperti http://www.coolmyspacecomments.com/ dan sebagainya sebenarnya hanyalah mengkayakan mereka kerana setiap komen yang anda lakukan secara tidak langsung anda mempromosikan laman web tersebut. Jika anda perasan dalam web mereka tu terdapat banyak iklan. Jadi kenapa anda perlu kayakan mereka jika dengan cara ini anda boleh mendapatkan sedikit pendapatan sampingan.
    Jadi dengan sistem msmasyuk ini anda boleh menghantar komen kepada rakan anda seperti biasa cuma perbezaan disini anda boleh menjana pendapatan sampingan dari komen-komen tersebut. Setiap komen yang anda hantar akan dilink kan ke laman web msmasyuk dimana anda anda akan mendapat komisen jika rakan anda itu menyertai program msmasyuk....download di sini

  • Kuasa Pemasaran Email
    Ketahui strategi pemasaran 5 angka yang berkesan dengan panduan lengkap pemasaran email yang akan didedahkan melalui ebook Kuasa Pemasaran Email Versi 1.1. Mendedahkan langkah demi langkah yang perlu dipraktikkan untuk mendapatkan jualan melebihi 5 angka daripada pemasaran email sahaja! Pendedahan Case Study bagaimana menjana RM13,744.80 dalam masa 14 hari melalui pemasaran email daripada program affiliate yang disertai. Serta banyak lagi yang didedahkan tentang Kuasa Pemasaran Email yang menjadi senjata utama promosi....download di sini

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English Ebooks

  • 101 Money Leaks
    People are always trying to save money, especially with today’s economy. No matter what your reason for saving, through this ebook, you will discover ways never considered. The price of everything has gone up, requiring people to be more conscientious about money. The problem is that by the time the mortgage, car, utilities, and credit cards are paid, there is little money to put aside. Saving money is not that hard, just a matter of learning
    all the different options and being creative. In addition to the obvious of putting money into a retirement fund or savings account, there are hundreds of ways to save money. Although some ways of saving may not seem like much, once you add them up at the end of the year, you will see how substantial the savings really are.
    Keep in mind that saving is more than a single lump sum of money put aside. Saving is something found in your everyday life by the way you live and the choices you make.
    Rome was not built in a day and neither will your bank account be. Each penny saved is one more penny than before. If you have the ability to save big, that is great. However, most people are not in that position, which is why this e-book will show you how little savings can add up quickly.
    Be encouraged that it is never too late to start saving, regardless of your age. Set your mind that now is the time to start building your future. Before we start I just want to remind you of the water pot analogy you read on the sales page before purchasing this book... click here to download.

  • 99 sites
    99 Websites
    99 website you should have Bookmarked and 8 tips every online business owner needs to read...click here to download.

  • Ability Into Cash
    Negative thinking is a sneaky little enemy which silently steals its way into a man's consciousness and, like a thief at night, steals not his purse, but robs him of that power which makes him poor indeed. It is a sinister and destructive influence that works night and day to prey on a man's soul. It is man's worst enemy, and life's meanest foe. It is worse than war, and largely the cause of war. It is the curse of the human race. It is as blind to reason as an owl is to light. It turns friends into enemies and enemies into foes. It robs a man of reason. It stirs up hate, greed, selfishness, cynicism, pessimism, anger, suspicion, rivalry, jealousy, revenge, lust and envy. It tears down confidence, undermines health, impairs character and causes poverty.
    An old legend relates that the devil was thrown into bankruptcy. Out of all his tools, the creditors permitted him to keep one. The tool he selected was the wedge of negative thinking. Asked why he liked this tool better than all the rest, the devil explained, "It is because this is the one tool which I can use when all others fail. Let me get that little wedge into a man's consciousness, and it opens everything else. That wedge has opened more doors for me than all other weapons combined."... click here to download.

and also....

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English Ebooks

Ebay Entrepreneur Kit

And more.....
  1. WordPress Adsense System
  2. Web Traffic Over Drive
  3. Traffic Secret Unleashed
  4. Twitter Quick Start Guide
  5. Forum Marketing Supertips
  6. How To Use WordPress
  7. Newbie Article Secrets
  8. How To Write Blog Posts That Suck Visitors In
  9. High Performance Affiliate Marketing
  10. Affiliate Money Secret
  11. 21 Days To Traffic
  12. 8 Steps Online
  13. Advance Affiliate Strategies Part 1
  14. Advance Affiliate Strategies Part 2
  15. Affiliate Marketing A to Z
  16. Commission Blueprint Super Affiliate Tips
  17. Internet Cash Machines
  18. Blue Commision Affiliate Manual
  19. Sell Using The Web
  20. Internet Income
  21. MLM Secrets
  22. The 30 Minutes Marketing Miracle
  23. Super Killer Internet Marketing Tips
  24. Affiliate Marketing For Newbies
  25. Bebo Traffic Secrets

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Malay Ebooks

  1. Rahsia Sukses
  2. Tips Promosi Affiliate
  3. Rahsia Kekayaan
  4. Pelbagai Petua
  5. 100 Cara Promosi Tingkatkan Web Traffic
  6. Panduan Tulis Ebook
  7. Buat Duit, Cari Duit Dengan Internet
  8. 76 Petua Menangi Hati Wanita
  9. 20 Cara Jimat Duit
  10. Panduan Affiliate
  11. Rahsia Menjana Pendapatan Dengan Google Adsense
  12. Teknik Jana Wang Pantas
  13. 100 Resipi Kuih Muih
  14. 10 Minit Membina Web
  15. Cara Membina Web
  16. 10 Cara Promosi
  17. Teknik Iklan Baris
  18. Strategi Pemasaran Internet
  19. Rahsia ClickBank
  20. 6 Modul Adsense
  21. Duit Pantas Daripada Lelong.com.my
  22. Tools Usahawan Internet
  23. Panduan Ringkas Membina Blog Dengan Blogger.com

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Blog Templates (2 Columns)

How to upload Blogger templates

1. The template is contained in a zip file (winzip, winrar), ensure you have extracted the XML template.
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard and go to Layout > Edit HTML
3. Ensure you back up your old template in case you decide to use it again. To do this, click on the "download full template" and save the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where you can browse for your XML template:
5. Enter the location of your template and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now appear in the box below. You can preview your template or simply save to start using it!
7. Have a nice day and enjoy....

Night Sky - download full template

Notebook - download full template

Point Space - download full template

Heartland - download full template

Ligneous - download full template

Fusion - download full template

Dreamy - download full template

Dark Mistry - download full template

Business Elegance - download full template

Bcute - download full template

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Blog Templates (1 Column)

How to upload Blogger templates

1. The template is contained in a zip file (winzip, winrar), ensure you have extracted the XML template.
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard and go to Layout > Edit HTML
3. Ensure you back up your old template in case you decide to use it again. To do this, click on the "download full template" and save the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where you can browse for your XML template:
5. Enter the location of your template and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now appear in the box below. You can preview your template or simply save to start using it!
7. Have a nice day and enjoy....

neonnix - download full template

Tiny Studio - download full template

Grungeera - download full template

Photoblog - download full template

Minismalistanegro - download full template

Red Leaves - download full template

Arena - download full template

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  1. PDF Converter Software

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